
11:02 PM

My blog turns a month old today! Though I have been using blogger since last year, this is the only blog that have survived my procrastination. I wanted to post something rewarding but sort of misplaced my memory card today, so I wasn't able to take photos when we went out earlier. BUT since I already found my card, I considered posting a self-portrait instead. :) So feast on my ugly face. bwahahaha!

Thanks to all of you guys who believed in me especially to you, Mom! :D You know that I wouldn't be able to further explore my capabilities in photography without your support! Your my #1 fan! hahaha! lol joke, but seriously ma. ;) I owe all of this to you mom... and also to all of you internet kids who clicked/viewed my blog 900+ times this month!!! Yay! This is a sign that I can definitely fight my procrastination. :) *cyber hug*

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  1. Congratulations on your first month! Hope to see more of your artwork!!!


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