Fairy Tail Cosplay

6:38 PM

Hitsuzen Inc. presents, Fairy Tail

lol sorry I really don't know who's portraying who because I don't watch the anime series nor can tell who's who because they're wearing different clothes. But anyway, this is probably the best project that I've done with them - basing on the photos. Lengthy post ahead.

This is Shancey, youngest cosplayer that I know and it was also her birthday celebration that day!
PS: she has ombre hair!!!

And finally, a wacky shot with the rest of the members who didn't cosplay :))
Thanks to Shancey's mom for the food and once again, happy birthday Shancey!!!
See you guys this Sunday for your NGC cosplay gathering! :)

NB: No cropping and other digital alteration please. Feel free to repost :)

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  1. I love the pictures. Kaya man lang gali make up ya dipa supo pa sya sakon. haha I still hate the guy :p

  2. Tnx2 KL... ngau raw copies b sa sunday. :3


  3. Keesh, I posted a link from fb to this post ya know. hahaha! atleast mau man ang kinalabasan ah..

  4. Haha i really don't care :p mayo gani. haha <3 Sorry love.

  5. cosplay! :3 nice shots, especially the jump shot!

  6. wow! :) thanks KL. Kisha who's the pokemon?

  7. Nice photos, though I do wish they'd worked on their costumes before having an actual shoot. But that's just me, because I'm really OC with accuracy and everything. (Which is exactly the reason why I don't cosplay, because I don't want to butcher my favorite characters or anything lol!)

  8. Thanks, China! Uhhm, I really can't tell because I don't watch Fairy Tail but I definitely understand if their costumes aren't that accurate. Cosplaying is very expensive and it's up to them how they would portray their characters really, nothing that I can do with that :) these guys have projects for like, every other week and I can't imagine how they put up with their costumes that fast. but if I were to do cosplay I'd probably be OC just like you. :)

  9. Hi kat! Funny thread you have here! <3 :*

  10. These are some of the best fairy tail cosplays i have seen! The photo quality is amazing and I love the detail and work on each costume.

    My fav is Laxus !


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