Starbucks, anyone?

3:24 PM

Spent sometime with my friend Rhona last Saturday. I bought something from her and she wanted to ask some help with CS5. We went to Starbucks (yes, Iloilo now has one) but the place was heaving with people that we had to seat on a couch for awhile before we got a table. The place sucks, it was too small and you could hear what the others are talking about in the other table :|

Rhona, sitting her laptop on her lap and look! you can see my initials on the keyboard! :)

photobooth was fun! We took lots of photos! :))

This isn't related to the post but this my friends, is a gestational sac. An empty gestational sac. Medically known as anembryonic pregnancy or blighted ovum. Fertilization happened but due to chromosomal abnormalities, an embryo ceased to be formed. This ultrasound is not mine and I'd never wish for anybody to experience this. But sometimes in life, things like this happen and even though how much you try to be optimistic and believe that things happen for a reason, you'd still feel the pain of losing someone that was given to you. I cried when I heard the news. I was very devastated but I know that it wasn't even close to how my friend felt and I'm very proud that she survived and managed through it.

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