Not now, not yet.

11:31 PM

Sorry if I have gone MIA lately. We were only supposed to do a follow-up test but I ended up being admitted at the hospital. We were only on our 31st week and the doctors feared that my contractions might progress and I'd have to deliver our baby prematurely - which will be a big risk considering the baby's underdeveloped physique. 
What we thought was a 2-day stay at the hospital turned out to be a week. I was transferred for several times from the ward to the Delivry Room for close observation and never realized the seriousness of my / our condition until the eve of our 4th day. 
BUT we're very glad that everything is fine now. We even had the chance to see and confirm again our baby's gender via ultrasound and oh my, what big eyes she has!! I think we (CJ and I) were in good spirits after seeing our little Caileigh, that everything will indeed turn out fine and. 
I'm home now but still on bed rest for an indefinite period of time. Might be on bed rest until we're already on term but whatever the hindrances, we'll follow everything just for the baby's safety. Guess I'll be celebrating New Year's Eve in my bed :D
Anyway, here are the photos that I've managed to take during my stay at the hospital. Thanks to those who followed and left comments on my previous posts. Will check your blogs soon :)

Who said hospitals don't care about food presentation?

took this photo to show mom my heplock. finally had my IV line removed!

sharing the bed with CJ because I couldn't sleep without him next to me :(

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  1. It's good to know you're doing well :)

  2. I LOVE your style of photos!!! Especially the colors in the last 3 pictures. :) Merry Xmas! :)

  3. p.s Sorry to hear you were unwell, hope you're feeling better! :)


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