Revisiting old photos and had the sudden urge to edit photos from last year's fun shoot (photos here and here) with Darlene, Myka, and Ameg. I love the quirky ones and decided to add PNG's on them. I hope the girls won't mind :D
There's this song that's been bothering me, in a good way, and it has the phrase "the young ones" in it but I can't seem to remember the title not the band. It was used in Gossip Girl and it has a very catchy whistling tone in the beginning. gaaaaah.
EDIT: the song is "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John
and the phrase in the chorus was "young style" not, "young ones" hahaha! but whatever, enjoy this set! :)
I'm Katrina a 26-year-old supermom trainee and photography hobbyist. Here I post random day-to-day activities and photo opportunities. To know more about me and this blog, you can read about it here.