Silly Attempt #2
7:30 PM
You've probably read from my previous blog post how much I
wanted to give blogging a try – again, but since then (five months to be exact)
I still was not able to keep this blog running though I’m proud to admit that
the reason why is because I’ve been extremely busy. I got a job! And it’s in
line with my profession! (Insert more explanation marks here) I mean, being a
nurse in the Philippines – along with thousands of others in my region – and to
be able to land a job, a paying job, is just remarkable. I may sound pathetic
but that’s the sad reality of being a nurse in my country. I have a lot of
experiences to share but that calls for a different blog post. But but but, my
little venture in my rough career path came to a short halt which gives me a
little time to rethink about reviving my blog again. Hhhhmm, joggling a lot of
errands with my husband, mommy duties, and a lot of sleeping hours to recover
from, it may seem a bit hard for me but I will do my best to post something
every other week or at least once a month (hahaha). AT LEAST. I’ll give it
another try. And besides, I need to do something other than watch Peppa Pig
with Caileigh!
Also, If you’re still alive and still reading this post even
if you’ve already thought of unfollow my blog months ago, please leave me a
comment with your blog site so I can see / read what’s up with the blogging
community recently. Thanks in advance!
Much love!